Professional Outcomes

The Master in DESIGN FOR FOOD aims to train professionals, independent innovators, entrepreneurs, civil servant with skills in the design of product-services solutions in the food sector and skills for the development of related processes and systems. These will be practicioners whose profiles combines the design and experimental approach with a specific knowledge on the underlying logic of the food sector in its extension "from field to table", considering traditional and innovative production and distribution systems, with a specific attention to sustainability. 

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the socio-economic and environmental transformations of the food sector.

  • Use theoretical and critical skills to define design opportunities and outline innovative models and strategic orientations for a specific food sector.

  • Design complex solutions and concrete outputs in terms of product, service, communication, space and effect.

  • Understand and use the potential of the sector's technologies, as well as the main elements of the production processes of the different supply chains.

  • Manage the main elements of food safety and planning.

  • Use specific design tools to design and manage all stages in the process of conceiving, developing and implementing an innovative solution, in an advanced perspective that includes participatory and sustainable approaches.