
The Specializing Master in DESIGN FOR FOOD accepts a maximum of 25 students. The Specializing Master welcomes candidates with a Degree or Specialist/Master's Degree in Design, Engineering, Architecture, Economics and/or Management, Social Sciences/Humanistic Sciences, Gastronomic Sciences, Agriculture, Food Technology, or individuals possessing other types of degrees with significant past work experience, who wish to strengthen their careers in the field of food innovation, by acquiring and developing specific and qualified competences.

The goals of the Master in DESIGN FOR FOOD are:

    • To refine the analysis and design skills of participants through experience/training in areas close to design and/or food, thanks to specific thematic insights.
    • To enhance the skills of participants with background in other disciplines, providing notions on the main analysis and design tools applicable to the food sector.
  • To provide theoretical and practical tools to enhance the skills and competences of participants with an already established professional experience.

The selection will be made by the Master's Board on the basis of the documentation sent, followed by an on-line interview. For the admission, the candidate's skills, aptitudes and experience will be assessed. The selections will proceed in chronological order accordingly to the date of the application’s reception, until places are available.

Admission may be subject to the following conditions:

  • Students enrolled in Italian universities whose final exam is scheduled later than the start of the Master.
  • Students with foreign qualifications whose validation has not yet been completed.

Students with Italian university diplomas or three-year qualifications (obtained under the previous university regulations) or qualifications acquired abroad may also be admitted, provided these diplomas are accredited, presented in the original format, translated and certified by the Italian consular authorities of the country in which they were issued and accompanied by a declaration of legal validity.


The Specializing Master admission fee is € 16.500 (€ 16.000 participation fee + € 500 enrollment fee at Politecnico di Milano) EXEMPT VAT ART. 10 DPR 633/72.

To find out how to enroll and current promotions, visit the official webpage:–design-for-food




Three partial reductions (- 25%) are available. The application and allocation of partial exemptions takes place during the admission process, prior to the Master's start date.

Applications for partial reductions will be evaluated by the Specializing Master Commission on the basis of:

  • Educational Background (30%)
  • Professional Experience (30%)
  • Motivation (40%)

Candidates for partial reduction will be selected based on the consistency of their profiles with the objectives of the Specializing Master at the moment when their documentation is analyzed. The minimum score for being selected for one of the partial reductions is 4/5 on a 1 to 5 scale.

The partial reductions cannot be combined with other financial supports, scholarships or attendance concessions provided by both and other bodies, companies, institutions, associations etc. etc. The partial reductions will be assigned to the first 3 candidates ranked accordingly to the evaluation criteria indicated above.

List of the documentation to be attached to the application for admission to the selection process:

  • Application for admission to the Master's programme
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Motivational Letter
  • Self-certification relating to personal identity (surname and forename, date and place of birth, nationality and residence)
  • Copy of a valid passport
  • Copy of the academic qualification obtained in addition to a certificate, showing the grades reported in the individual exams or Diploma Supplement
  • Certificate of Equivalence of Qualification in situ issued by the relevant Italian Representation abroad for the territory, or certificate issued by the Enic/Naric Centers; the latter will be requested later in the matriculation process

For more information
