Study Course

The Master DESIGN FOR FOOD integrates extensive design skills with thematic and specific competences in the food area, related to humanities, gastronomic sciences, engineering and food technology. Therefore, it provides a widespread designing capacity about process and tools for the design of the food product-service system and a series of specific in-depth useful for the understanding of culture, sociological and anthropological factors as well as the scientific and technological ones. Overall, it provides an explanatory and comprehensive overview of food systems, from agricultural production to food processing, from distribution to consumption, from planning to recycling in a sustainability and circular economy perspective.

The Master in DESIGN FOR FOOD is divided into three main modules.


1. February - March  
Introduction to the food sector, analysis and understanding of the main elements characterising the current food system.

This module is also characterised by the first study trip in Piedmont,which includes a didactic part at the UNISG Campus and some visits to producers and tasting sites around Pollenzo. 

2. April - June
Acquisition of techniques and tools for design through experimentation and hands-on experiences..

This module is also characterized by:

      • design workshops  developed with external partners and aimed at the designing innovative product-service ideas.
    • the second study trip, aimed at integrating, deepening and contextualising the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom relating to food production, processing and consumption chains, through a unique experience combining site visit, experimentation and tasting.

3. July - March (2026) 

Internship in companies (or other food system realities) or professionalizing project (research activity or project carried out by the student in agreement with the Master's Board).  

Thefinal exame is the individual presentation to the Master's Board of a thesis relating to the activity and results achieved through the placement (or professionalizing project) and a summary of the general experience during the Master's programme.
