
The Faculty of the Master in DESIGN FOR FOOD is composed of lecturers from the Politecnico di Milano and academics from some of the most important universities, including the Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo. The academic profiles are complemented by qualified external professionals and experts in the food sector.Some examples below:


Silvia Barbieri 

Founder of “The Branding Letters”, brand development creative agency based in Milan


Erik Ciravegna 

PhD in Design (DIeCM) and expert in communication design, with a focus on packaging design and identity systems of brands and products


Stefano Citi 

Designer and co-founder of “TourDeFork”, unique creative consultancy based in Milan


Giorgio De Ponti 

Adjunct Professor of Integrated Design at Politecnico di Milano and design consultant for the food industry


Franco Fassio 

Systemic Designer and PhD in Design, Associate Professor at the University of Gastronomic Science of Pollenzo (UNISG)


Michele Fino

Full Professor at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo and legal advisor of the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers (FIVI)


Paola Garrone 

Professor of Business and Industrial Economics at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano


Luisa Torri
Associate Professor of Food Science and Technology - Sensory and Consumer Science at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo


Dario Mangano
Professore associato di Semiotica presso l’Università di Palermo
Associate Professor of Semiotics at the University of Palermo and director of the Laboratory of Communication of the Cultures and Societies Department


Gabriella Morini
Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo and member of the Advisory Board of the Nordic Food Lab (Copenhagen, Denmark) until its closure in 2018


Francesca Mostardini
Food technologist and expert in Food Packaging at the PackLab (University of Milan)


Beatrice Villari
Associate Professor of Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano and co-director of the Specializing Master in Service Design (POLI.design)


Gabriele Volpato
PhD in Social Sciences and Anthropology and Research Fellow at UNISG

